For my first recipe in the Frugal Outdoorsman, I thought I should share one of
my best recipes! This is a most fine TexMex dish that
is called Chili Verde, or Green Chili. This recipe uses a mix of meats, both beef and pork,
and several different kinds of fresh chili and one very
special kind of dried chili, the Chipolte chili.
What is a chipolte chili, Cap?
Glad you askedthe Chipolte is a jalapeno chili
pepper that has been grown to full maturity and is
cherry red in color. It is harvested in that red state,
and then it is dried and smoked over a wood fire, the
wood is usually mesquite wood. This chili has a sharp bite, and a very mellow smoky
flavor. They are usually used when making stews,
chili, pinto beans, and sometimes in salsa!
You can find them in a Mexican food store and
sometimes in the Mexican section of your local
supermarket. The dried chipolte will keep a very long
time when stored in an air tight jar. You can also
buy chipolte chili in a can with tomato saucechipolte
en adobo. This works ok, but does not have the same
flavor as the dried chili.
The last picture in this recipe has the chipolte chili
floating on top the chili verde. They have been stewed
in the chili and add a great, not real hot, flavor.
Of course, most Texas folks throw one or two of these
stewed chipolte on the side of the plate to go with
the meal.
This green chili can be cooked with or without the
chipolte, I believe the dish is better with them!
This makes an excellent Dutch oven dish, and it just
looks right cooking on that camp fire!
I have made this dish at a lot of fish and deer
camps, and it has always been a winner! You would be
surprised at how many times me and my pots get
invited to go fishing and hunting!
2 lb pork roast cut into stew meat
2 lb beef roast cut into stew meat
2 big bell peppers, seeded, chopped
6 New Mexico or Anaheim fresh big green chiliseeded and chopped
A big white onionchopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 big can tomatoes28 oz chopped + juice
1/2 tsp dried red chili flakes
5 or 6 dried, smoked chipolte chili peppers(optional)
2 tsp salt
beef stock
3 good shakes liquid smoke
1/2 tsp cumin powder

| Meat browned, veggies added. Ready for the beef stock. |
In a little oil in a skillet, brown meat rolled in flourthrow in Dutch oven
Add everything in first group to Dutch oven
Add beef stock to barely cover
Put Dutch oven in coals and cook at close to
simmer about 2.5 to 3 hours
Add liquid smoke and cumin. Stir. If very juicy, leave lid off Dutch oven and simmer
down last 1/2 hour. Thicken with a little corn starch mixed in water if needed.
Serve as you would regular chili. Makes excellent burritos when you add a little fried potato to

| Verde chili simmering in the coals. |
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| Chili verde ready to eat. Does it look tasty or what? |
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