Copyright 2007 by Junior Doughty
I grew these gourds myself, and I performed the labor involved in transforming them from gourds to powder horns and whiskey/liquid flasks. The prices might seem high, but consider the cost of the brass screw-in stoppers, rubber o-rings, leather, epoxy, and three to six hours of labor per gourd. In other words, I'm not taking less than the price listed. Each gourd fully matured on the vine. Each hull is as thick as possible. The brass stoppers (NA3800 $9.95 each) came from Dixie Gun Works who told me they were 1830-period correct in case you're going to a rendevous. You might need to remove the o-rings, then again you might not. NOTE: the liquid flasks are lined with right-from-the-hive backwoods north Louisiana beeswax. I cleaned the beeswax in two batches of boiling water, and I strained it each time. However, it still contains a trace of honey, so your liquid will have a very slight taste of honey. Do notI repeat, do notuse a flask for long-term liquid storage! Prices listed include USPS shipping to the lower 48. Look for the PayPal button near the end of this page. On the PayPal site, enter the price in the box. In the PayPal comments section, enter the item(s) you want, i.e, "long neck flask with gray leather bottom."
They also make very cool canteens. I haven't measured these flasks, but they look like they'd hold at least 2/3 of the fifth of Courvoisier.
They are Remember: the price includes USPS shipping.
Here's a closeup. The knot on the center flask is a different color due to epoxy. All leather knots are epoxy-fixed and won't come loose.
Here's a close up of the stopper section.
If you'll notice, the base entrance is chamfered to fit an o-ring. If you prefer a hidden o-ring, visit an auto parts or hardware store and spend 50¢ on a thinner one. This one is a little thick. Notice the thickness of the gourd neck around the stopper base. Each gourd was selected for a neck diameter and thickness which provided maximum strength around the stopper base. I rejected several gourds for each one chosen.
The stopper bases are all securely epoxied in place. All stoppers are fitted with an o-ring. Use the 1 lb can of Pyrodex as a scale, and judge for yourself how much powder each gourd will hold.
#2, #3, #5 unfinished = These horns would also be useful as period correct containers for salt, etc. Don't use them for long term storage of foodstuff such as cornmeal due to the possibility of mold even though I soaked the gourds in a bleach solution. You could also coat the insides of these horns with wax and use them as flasks.
Here's a closeup of the (sold) small one. Ain't it cute? I made a brandy/cognac flask out of one about this size. It'll be hanging from my belt this winter around my campfire. These gourd horns & flasks are one-time offers. Making them was far too time consuming for the prices asked. Remember: prices include USPS shipping.
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Junior Doughty