Here we see my $75 Model 93 Spanish Mauser "Boat Rifle" after some modifications.
Here's the hacksaw almost through the barrel. Go here for a more detailed look at the process. Here's the new end of the barrel with some OD paint added with a Q-tip in order to cut down on shine. Unlike the old end of the barrel, you can look closely at this new end and actually see rifling. I arbitrarily picked 2 1/2" hoping the cut would eliminate the rusted out section. It did. If it hadn't, I would have whacked off another inch. The barrel is now 19 1/2" long measured via closing the bolt and inserting a rod down the barrel and all the way to the bolt; thus measuring from bolt face to muzzle end. (Thanks to "OD" from the forum for the tip!) This photo shows how I kept from getting spray paint on the scope lenses. I set a small can, a PVC cement can, on the scope front and rear and sprayed to my heart's content. It also shows the paint I used. I walked by a display of camo paint in Wal-Mart and said, "Ohhhh, yes!"
I had previously painted the Boat Rifle's barrel with spray green, but it was too green and too shiny. This stuff is perfect! Best I can remember, it cost $2.94. Here's a close up of the scope. I gave the scope only one light coat of paint so the knobs wouldn't be glued in place. The rifle got two good coats.
I did not de-grease the barrel and action, and I did not rough up the stock. Here's a look at the action. The only parts of the rifle not painted were:
Here we see the target I used while adjusting the 2X scope after the chop job. Range = 75 yards. I shot the shot you see at 11 o'clock in the 7 ring. I adjusted elevation down a little, then adjusted windage right a little, then fired again. It was the center round almost directly above the X. "Hummmm," I said, looking through the spotting scope.
I fired two more quick rounds so I would have a That old relic of the Spanish American War put 3 shots in exactly 1" at 75 yards. And it continues to shoot that well. And it ain't for sale. They say it ain't bragging if it's the truth, so this is my bragging picture. It's a close up of my 7" diameter gong which hangs exactly 141 yards from my shooting bench. There's three fresh, silver tinted craters there. One is just to the right of the 5 1/2" mark on the tape, and there's two more overlapping about 1" to the right of the 5 1/4" mark on the tape.
What you see here is three shots in 1 1/8" at 141 yards. From a war surplus rifle. That cost about $75. I'm gonna have to come up with a better name for it than "Boat Rifle." I must close with a repeat of my earlier warning: if you try this and ruin your rifle, it ain't my fault!